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Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 23(1): 138-157, maio 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1434428


O envelhecimento progressivo da sociedade demanda maior atenção aos aspectos profissionais de pessoas de meia-idade. Este estudo objetivou compreender os sentidos que 10 brasileiros entre 50 e 59 anos atribuem ao trabalho em um momento de transição de carreira. Trata-se de uma pesquisa fenomenológica, que empregou narrativas compreensivas individuais, elaboradas a partir de um encontro dialógico com cada participante, cujos sentidos e vivências compuseram uma narrativa síntese, representativa do todo. Os elementos estruturantes foram: a) transição profissional como fator de sofrimento; b) construção da identidade pessoal e social por meio do trabalho; c) trabalho como fonte de propósito de vida; d) trabalho como principal espaço de interação social; e) trabalho como recurso financeiro e subsistência foram discutidos a partir da Abordagem Experiencial de Gendlin. Descrevem-se tensões, desafios e a importância existencial do trabalho como mediador de sentidos. Fica evidenciada a necessidade de melhor preparo para transições laborais nessa fase de vida.

The progressive aging of society demands greater attention to the professional aspects of middle-aged people. This study aimed to understand the meanings that 10 Brazilians between 50 and 59-years old attribute to work in a moment of career transition. It is a phenomenological research that used individual comprehensive narratives, elaborated from a dialogical encounter with each participant, whose meanings and experiences comprised a synthesis narrative, representative of the whole. The structuring elements: a) professional transition as a factor of suffering; b) construction of personal and social identity through work; c) work as a source of life purpose; d) work as the main space for social interaction; e) work as a financial resource and subsistence were discussed based on Gendlin's Experiential Approach. Tensions, challenges and the existential importance of work as a meaningfulness mediator are described. The need for better preparation for work transitions in this stage of life is shown.

El progresivo envejecimiento de la sociedad exige una mayor atención a los aspectos profesionales de las personas de mediana edad. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo comprender los significados que 10 brasileños entre 50 y 59 años atribuyen al trabajo en un momento de transición profesional. Se trata de una investigación fenomenológica que utilizó narrativas comprensivas individuales, elaboradas a partir de un encuentro dialógico con cada participante, cuyos significados y vivencias conformaron una narrativa de síntesis, representativa del todo. Los elementos estructurantes: a) la transición profesional como factor de sufrimiento; b) construcción de identidad personal y social a través del trabajo; c) el trabajo como fuente de propósito de vida; d) trabajar como espacio principal de interacción social; e) el trabajo como recurso financiero y la subsistencia se discutieron sobre la base del Enfoque Experiencial de Gendlin. Se describen tensiones, desafíos y la importancia existencial del trabajo como mediador de significados. Se evidencia la necesidad de una mejor preparación para las transiciones laborales en esta etapa de la vida.

Humans , Middle Aged , Social Identification , Work , Aging , Employment/organization & administration , Middle Aged , Brazil , Longevity
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1425883


O principal objetivo deste texto é apresentar uma perspectiva crítica aos efeitos das técnicas de gestão empresariais sobre a saúde dos trabalhadores. Sabemos que o trabalho é um elemento central na vida das pessoas, porque, entre outros aspetos, a subsistência humana depende maioritariamente do fator trabalho. Essa é uma dimensão ética que tende a ser ignorada no universo laboral contemporâneo. As modernas técnicas de gestão, nomeadamente, a intensificação do trabalho, a qualidade total, a avaliação individual de desempenho, o aumento da precarização, a gestão pelo estresse ou a terceirização estão a destruir as relações sociais de trabalho e, consequentemente, a saúde dos trabalhadores. O adoecimento por via do trabalho é um problema social grave e a sua resolução parece difícil de alcançar, pelo menos nos tempos mais próximos, caso não se alterem profundamente as atuais técnicas de gestão empresariais

This study aims to show a critical perspective of the effects of business management techniques on workers' health. Work is a central element in people's lives because, among other aspects, human livelihood depends mostly on the work factor. This is an ethical dimension which the contemporary work universe tends to ignore. Modern management techniques, i.e., work intensification, total quality, individual performance evaluation, precariousness, and management by stress or outsourcing are destroying work relationships, work groups, and thus workers' health. Sickness due to work is a serious social problem and its resolution seems difficult to achieve (at least in the near future) if current business management techniques are not profoundly altered

Personnel Management/trends , Occupational Health/ethics , Employment/organization & administration , Interpersonal Relations
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 25(1): 7-13, jan. 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055771


Resumo O artigo debate a importância da Enfermagem para o Sistema Único de Saúde, considerando a mesma estar presente em todas as estruturas organizacionais de saúde, nas 27 unidades da Federação e em todos os municípios do país, essencial, portanto, para a prestação de uma assistência de qualidade. Apesar disso, a profissão enfrenta muitos desafios, quer no campo da formação e do mercado de trabalho, que necessitam ser enfrentados, visando a valorização desses profissionais que apesar de todas as dificuldades a que estão submetidos, são comprometidos com a saúde da população brasileira.

Abstract This paper discusses the importance of the Nursing to the Unified Health System, considering its presence in all organizational health structures, in the 27 units of the Federation and all municipalities of the country, essential, therefore, for the provision of high-quality health care. Nevertheless, the profession faces many challenges, both in the field of education and in the job market, that must be addressed, aiming at the valorization of these professionals who, despite all the difficulties they are subjected to, are committed to the health of the Brazilian population.

Brazil , Nursing , Employment/organization & administration , Delivery of Health Care/organization & administration
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 25(1): 89-99, jan. 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055778


Resumo Através de breve recuperação histórica busca-se descrever as principais tendências do mundo do trabalho no Brasil. A ênfase do ensaio focaliza a atual transição antecipada para a sociedade de serviços, cuja alteração significativa pode ser observada no próprio funcionamento do mercado de trabalho. Também se considera a predominância do massivo desemprego aberto, da ampliação da subutilização da força de trabalho e da generalização da precarização nas ocupações em função da ausência de crescimento econômico e do retorno das reformas neoliberais. O resultado tem sido a polarização crescente no interior do mundo do trabalho.

Abstract Through a brief historical recovery, the article seeks to describe the main trends in the world of work in Brazil. The emphasis of the article focuses on the current early transition to the service society, whose significant change can be observed in the operation of the labor market itself. Also, it considers the predominance of massive open unemployment, the expansion of the underutilization of the labor force and the generalization of precariousness in professions due to the absence of economic growth and the return of the neoliberal reforms. The result has been the increasing polarization within the world of work.

History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Employment/statistics & numerical data , Workforce , Workforce/organization & administration , Workforce/trends , Employment , Employment/history , Employment/organization & administration , Workforce/statistics & numerical data
Textos contextos (Porto Alegre) ; 17(2): 335-345, 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-970157


Procura-se apreender algumas determinações presentes na dinâmica atual da contrarreforma no campo dos direitos sociais no século XXI, no Brasil, dando destaque, sobretudo, à ressignificação jurídico-política posta pela mediação da flexibilização e pela precarização das condições e relações de trabalho, aviltadas como resposta ao desemprego.

It seeks to apprehend some determinations that appear in the current dynamics of the counter-reform in the field of social rights in the XXI century, in Brazil, highlighting, above all, the legal and political resignification posed by the mediation of flexibilization and precarization of conditions and labor relations, debased while response to unemployment.

Employment , Socioeconomic Rights , Employment/organization & administration
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 32(7): e00176814, 2016. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-788093


Resumo: O estudo estimou a prevalência de estresse no trabalho no Chile e suas associações com a exposição ocupacional ao risco psicossocial e qualidade do emprego, considerando as diferenças de gênero. Estudo transversal considerando uma amostra representativa nacional de 3.010 trabalhadores/as (1.486 mulheres e 1.524 homens). Dezoito por cento da amostra relataram estresse (23,8% mulheres vs. 14,8% de homens). Aqueles expostos a riscos psicossociais têm mais chances de sofrer estresse do que os não expostos, e as mulheres têm uma maior chance de sofrer estresse do que os homens. Homens e mulheres em empregos precários têm uma chance maior de estresse em comparação com aqueles com menos precariedade do emprego. No entanto, as mulheres em empregos precários têm uma maior chance de sofrer de estresse do que os homens em cargos semelhantes. Conclui-se que as mulheres têm uma maior proporção de empregos precários, estão mais expostas a riscos psicossociais e têm maior estresse, demonstrando a existência de uma dupla discriminação, social e de gênero, no mercado de trabalho no Chile.

Resumen: El estudio estimó la prevalencia de distrés laboral en Chile y sus asociaciones con exposición a riesgo psicosocial laboral y calidad del empleo, considerando diferencias de género. El estudio transversal consideró una muestra probabilística representativa a nivel nacional de 3.010 asalariados/as en Chile (1.486 mujeres y 1.524 hombres). Un 18% reporta distrés (23,8% mujeres versus 14,8% hombres). Los expuestos a riesgos psicosociales tienen mayor chance de experimentar distrés que los no expuestos, y las mujeres presentan una chance de sufrir distrés mayor que los hombres. Hombres y mujeres en empleos precarios tienen una chance mayor de presentar distrés al compararse con quienes tienen menos precariedad laboral. No obstante, mujeres en empleos precarios tienen mayor chance de sufrir distrés que los hombres en empleos similares. Se concluye que las mujeres ocupan empleos precarios en mayor proporción, están más expuestas a riesgos psicosociales y presentan mayor distrés, evidenciando la existencia de una doble discriminación-social y de género-en el mercado laboral en Chile.

Abstract: This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of work-related stress in Chile and its association with exposure to workplace psychosocial risks and quality of employment, considering gender differences. The cross-sectional study included a representative probabilistic national sample of 3,010 salaried workers (1,486 women and 1,524 men). Eighteen percent reported work-related stress (23.8% of women and 14.8% of men). People exposed to psychosocial risks had a higher probability of experiencing stress, and women were more likely to suffer stress than men. Women and men in precarious work showed increased likelihood of distress, compared to workers with less precarious jobs. However, women in precarious jobs were more likely to suffer stress than men in the same situation. The study concluded that women had more precarious jobs, experienced greater exposure to psychosocial risks, and suffered more stress than men. This is evidence of double discrimination (social and gender-based) in the Chilean labor market.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Stress, Psychological/epidemiology , Women, Working/psychology , Sex Factors , Occupational Health/statistics & numerical data , Employment/psychology , Psychosocial Deprivation , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Women, Working/statistics & numerical data , Chile/epidemiology , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Workplace/psychology , Employment/organization & administration
Cienc. Trab ; 16(49): 38-42, abr. 2014. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-710944


El teletrabajo es una modalidad laboral que está siendo promovida e implementada en Colombia como estrategia de generación de empleo. Sin embargo, esta forma de flexibilización del trabajo exige que se den unas garantías mínimas en materia de protección a los trabajadores. Por tal razón, el presente artículo busca mostrar cuáles han sido los avances en investigación del teletrabajo, particularmente en lo relacionado con la seguridad y salud en el trabajo. Para este propósito se realizó una revisión de estudios en diferentes bases de datos y revistas científicas indexadas. Como resultado se identificaron aspectos como la ampliación del mercado laboral, flexibilidad laboral, inclusión de la población en situación de discapacidad a la vida laboral y conciliación con la vida familiar. Sin embargo, se encontró que en cuanto a la salud de los teletrabajadores y sus riesgos, son las empresas quienes los asumen en la mayoría de los casos. Por otra parte, se observó que falta regulación legal y jurídica para la implementación del teletrabajo en muchos de los países donde se realizaron las investigaciones y estudios. En conclusión, se hace necesario determinar aspectos contractuales, responsabilidades de las empresas, definición de horarios y tiempos de trabajo, condiciones de salud y seguridad, vigilancia, acompañamiento, necesidad de crear capacitaciones específicas para el teletrabajador y las empresas que tengan esta modalidad.

This article shows the results obtained according to telework and its relation to health and safety, building cataloging objectives studies have been performed to identify the achievements obtained in the different studies and research and categorize them according to the evidence found. In different databases and scientific journals a review of studies and research was conducted, which were related to the main theme. As a result were identified issues such as the expansion of the labor market, labor flexibility, inclusion of people with disabilities in working life, family life reconciliation. However, it was found that in terms of the health of teleworkers and their risks are the companies who take in most cases. On the other hand, lack of legal and judicial regulation for the implementation of teleworking in many of the countries where the research and studies conducted. It is necessary to determine contractual, corporate responsibilities, defining work schedules and time, health and safety conditions, monitoring, need for specific training for teleworkers and companies with this modality.

Humans , Telecommunications , Work/psychology , Occupational Health , Employment/organization & administration , Colombia
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 18(6): 1545-1554, Jun. 2013. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-676379


O propósito do presente artigo consiste em questionar a inevitabilidade dos processos de segmentação e precarização das relações de trabalho e emprego, responsáveis pela inscrição de "novas" formas de desigualdade social que alicerçam o actual modelo de desenvolvimento das economias e sociedades. Visa-se criticar os limites da lógica econômica e financeira, de contornos globais, que configuram um "novo espírito do capitalismo", ou seja, uma espécie de divinização da ordem natural das coisas. Impõe-se fazer, por isso, um périplo analítico pelas transformações em curso no mercado de trabalho, acompanhado pela vigilância epistemológica que permita enquadrar e relativizar as (di)visões neoliberais e teses tecno-deterministas dominantes. A perspectivação de cenários sobre o futuro do trabalho encerrará este périplo, permitindo-nos alertar para os condicionalismos histórico-temporais, para a urgência de se desocultar o que de ideológico e político existe nas actuais lógicas de racionalização e para os processos de ressimbolização do trabalho e emprego enquanto "experiência social central" na contemporaneidade.

The scope of this paper is to question the inevitability of the processes of segmentation and increased precariousness of the relations of labor and employment, which are responsible for the introduction of "new" forms of social inequality that underpin the current model of development of economies and societies. It seeks to criticize the limits of global financial and economic logic, which constitute a "new spirit of capitalism," namely a kind of reverence for the natural order of things. It is therefore necessary to conduct an analytical survey of the ongoing changes in the labor market, accompanied by epistemological vigilance which makes it possible to see neoliberal (di)visions and dominant techno-deterministic theses in context. The enunciation of scenarios on the future of work will conclude this survey and will make it possible to draw attention to both the historical and temporal constraints and to the urgent need to unveil what is ideological and political in the prevailing logic of rationalization and processes to reinstate work and employment as a "central social experience" in contemporary times.

Efficiency , Employment/organization & administration , Work , Employment/trends , Forecasting , Socioeconomic Factors
Quarterly Journal of Relief and Rescue. 2013; 4 (4): 29-38
in Persian | IMEMR | ID: emr-138434


One of the most important duties of manager is to organize and to maintain the organizational system. It means that the organizational commitment and responsibility of staff and employees must increase. In fact, managers of organization are responsible for the amount and type of employee commitment to the values. Organizational commitment is an important variable in understanding towards employees' behavior. The organizational commitment improves and increases services and its quality with effect on employees' performance. This paper aims to study the relationship between organizational commitment with demographic characteristics in staff of Isfahan Emergency Medical and Disaster Management Center. This cross-sectional study was carried out in 2011. The staff of Isfahan Emergency Medical and Disaster Management Center [128] was studied and analyzed by random sampling. By using the administrated questionnaire, data were collected and analyzed by SPSS. The results of the study were as follows: the average score of organizational commitment was about 59/8 and there was a significant relationship between index of employees' organizational commitment and their education; it was an adverse relationship with a weak intensity. This relationship has been observed only in employees' organizational commitment. Also, there has been a significant relationship between the average index of employees' organizational commitment and their employment status. According to the results, the average of contractual employees' commitment was more than other groups [official and etc]. However, the mean difference was observed in both obligatory and continuous commitment. Because of the critical role of emergency medical technicians in ensuring health and saving people' life in disasters, it is essential for managers to improve the employees' organizational commitment by increasing job security, creating positive changes in organizational culture, providing appropriate training and briefing and incentive programs

Humans , Emergency Medical Technicians , Emergencies , Demography , Critical Care , Organizational Culture , Motivation , Employment/organization & administration , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires
Rev. latinoam. enferm ; 20(2): 226-234, May-Apr. 2012.
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-626600


The Brazilian banking sector has undergone an intense restructuring process and taken a leading position in the incorporation of new technologies and organizational innovations. Computerization in the industry, in association with forms of work organization, has resulted in changes that reflect on the workers' health. Based on the theoretical and methodological frameworks of historical and dialectical materialism, this qualitative study investigates the work conditions of bank employees in order to identify the extent to which changes in work organization interfere with these workers' health. Data were collected through interviews held with 11 bank employees. In addition to physical sickening due to occupational diseases directly related to work intensification, the results also show an increased incidence of mental suffering and a feeling of loss of professional identity. Work-related frustration, instability and concerns related to psychological pressure resulting from the need to achieve goals predominated in the reports.

O setor bancário brasileiro passou por intenso processo de reestruturação e ocupou posição de liderança na incorporação de novas tecnologias e inovações organizacionais. A informatização do setor, aliada às novas formas de organizar o trabalho, resultou em mudanças que refletiram na saúde dos trabalhadores. Fundamentado no referencial teórico metodológico do materialismo histórico-dialético, este estudo, de caráter qualitativo, teve por objetivo investigar as condições de trabalho de bancários, para identificar em que medida as mudanças na organização do trabalho interferiram na saúde daqueles trabalhadores. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevistas com onze bancários. Os resultados revelaram, além de adoecimentos de ordem física por doenças ocupacionais, diretamente relacionadas à intensificação do trabalho, o aumento da incidência de sofrimento mental e sentimento de perda de identidade profissional. Predominaram, nos depoimentos, sentimentos de frustração e insegurança em relação ao trabalho e preocupação com a pressão psicológica, derivada da necessidade de cumprimento de metas.

La Banca Brasileña pasó por un intenso proceso de reestructuración y ha ocupado posiciones de liderazgo en la incorporación de nuevas tecnologías e innovaciones organizacionales. La informatización de la industria, junto con nuevas maneras de organización del trabajo, dio lugar a cambios que reflejaron en la salud de los trabajadores. Con base en el marco teórico y metodológico del materialismo histórico y dialéctico, este estudio cualitativo tuvo como objetivo investigar las condiciones laborales de los empleados del banco para identificar el grado en que los cambios en la organización del trabajo influyeron en la salud de los trabajadores. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de entrevistas con once empleados del banco. Los resultados mostraron, además de las enfermedades físicas profesionales directamente relacionadas con la intensificación del trabajo, aumento de la incidencia de sufrimiento mental y la sensación de pérdida de identidad profesional. Predominaron en las entrevistas sentimientos de frustración e inseguridad sobre el trabajo y la preocupación por la presión psicológica de la necesidad de logro de los objetivos.

Humans , Economics , Occupational Diseases/etiology , Occupational Health , Stress, Psychological/etiology , Brazil , Employment/organization & administration , Occupational Health/standards
Cad. saúde pública ; 27(12): 2452-2460, dez. 2011.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-610725


This paper was prepared for the Employment Conditions and Health Inequalities Knowledge Network (EMCONET), part of the WHO Commission on the Social Determinants of Health. We describe the Brazilian context of employment conditions, labor conditions and health, their characteristics and causal relationships. The social, political and economic factors that influence these relationships are also presented with an emphasis on social inequalities, and how they are reproduced within the labor market and thereby affect the health and wellbeing of workers. A literature review was conducted in SciELO, LILACS, Google and Google Scholar, MEDLINE and the CAPES Brazilian thesis database. We observed that there are more workers operating in the informal sector than in the formal sector and these former have no social insurance or any other social benefits. Work conditions and health are poor in both informal and formal enterprises since health and safety labor norms are not effective. The involvement of social movements and labor unions in the elaboration and management of workers' health polices and programs with universal coverage, is a promising initiative that is underway nationwide.

Este trabalho descreve aspectos das condições de trabalho e emprego e suas relações com a saúde, no contexto brasileiro, enfatizando as desigualdades sociais relacionadas com a inserção no mercado de trabalho, tendo sido desenvolvido como contribuição ao documento da rede "Employment Conditions and Health Inequalities Knowledge Network (EMCONET) - WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health". A pesquisa bibliográfica foi realizada no SciELO, LILACS, Google, Google Scholar, MEDLINE e no banco de teses da CAPES. No Brasil, o número de trabalhadores inseridos no setor informal supera o daqueles no setor formal. As informações sobre adoecimento e morte relacionados ao trabalho não estão disponíveis para o conjunto da população economicamente ativa. As condições de trabalho e saúde são ruins em ambos os grupos e, apesar do complexo arcabouço legal referente à proteção dos trabalhadores e de avanços setoriais, as políticas públicas permanecem fragmentadas, apresentam baixa cobertura e pouca eficácia. O crescente envolvimento do movimento social e de sindicatos de trabalhadores na elaboração e gestão de políticas e programas de saúde sinaliza um processo promissor em curso no país.

Adolescent , Adult , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Employment/organization & administration , Health Status Disparities , Workplace/organization & administration , Brazil , Employment/standards , Occupational Exposure , Occupational Health , Socioeconomic Factors , Workplace/standards
Psychol. av. discip ; 4(2): 113-129, jul.-dic. 2010. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-669139


El estudio de la calidad de vida laboral percibida (CVLP) ha estado dirigido a examinar aspectos aislados de las diferentes variables que determinan su percepción. La presente investigación tuvo por objetivo la integración de tres variables de reconocida importancia en la literatura científica: la inseguridad laboral, la jornada laboral y el salario, a fin de establecer en qué grado su combinación explica la CVLP. Para ello se tomó una muestra de 100 personas que laboraban en 3 empresas del sector de servicios de la ciudad de Bogotá y se les aplicaron dos instrumentos: la prueba PCVL, diseñada por Gómez (2007) y un cuestionario de aspectos socio-laborales diseñado para efectos de la presente investigación. Los datos fueron analizados bajo el modelo de ecuaciones estructurales e indicaron que solo el salario en su atributo de cuantía predice y explica de manera significativa la CVLP en toda la muestra. También se encontró que la edad y el género tienen un efecto significativo para moderar el efecto de las tres variables de estudio sobre la CVLP y algunas de sus dimensiones. El estudio en general muestra que el modelo inicial debe continuar replanteándose para mejorar su capacidad explicativa.

Perceived Work Quality of Life (PWQL) research had been focused to examine isolated topics about different variables that determine its perception. The present research had like goal to integrate three variables more recognized in scientific literature: work insecurity, working day and salary, to establish the grade these link variables explaining PWQL. With these objective a sample of 100 people who worked in three service's sector enterprises of Bogotá were taken to applied them two test: PWQL Test, designed by Gómez (2007) and Work Social Topics Questionnaire designed to present research.. Outputs were analyzed under Structural Equation Model and these showed that just salary's amount of attribute predicts and explain meaningful PWQL in all sample. Age and gender have significant effect to moderate three study variable's effect about PWQL and some dimensions of this was founded too. Study in general way shows that initial model must continue rethinking to improve explanatory capacity.

Quality of Life , Salaries and Fringe Benefits , Work Hours , Employment , Employment/organization & administration , Perception , Women, Working , Workplace , Total Quality Management
Cad. saúde pública ; 24(6): 1251-1259, jun. 2008. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-484182


Este é um estudo transversal, descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa, realizado no porto do Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil e objetivou identificar a percepção, em uma amostra com 306 trabalhadores portuários avulsos, sobre risco à saúde no trabalho. A maioria dos trabalhadores portuários avulsos (93,46 por cento) reconheceu que existem riscos à sua saúde no trabalho e isso foi independente do grau de instrução (p = 0,44), atividade desenvolvida (p = 0,47). Os riscos identificados no grupo geral de trabalhadores portuários avulsos foram queda de objetos suspensos (8,43 ± 2,47), ruídos (8,06 ± 2,32) e intempéries (8,05 ± 2,48). Os riscos significativamente diferentes entre as atividades foram: ruídos (p = 0,00), levantamento manual de carga (p = 0,00), ferramentas de trabalho (p = 0,00), componentes dos ternos em número abaixo do ideal (p = 0,03), ganho por produtividade (p = 0,00), ritmo de trabalho (p = 0,01), trabalho em altura (p = 0,00), deslocamento do trabalhador sobre as cargas (p = 0,00), escadas de acesso às embarcações (p = 0,00). Pode-se corroborar que o trabalho portuário avulso é insalubre e perigoso, e os riscos se apresentam aos trabalhadores em consonância com a atividade por eles desenvolvida.

This was a cross-sectional, descriptive, quantitative study in the port of Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, aimed at identifying occupational risk perceptions in a sample of 306 temporary dockworkers. Most temporary dockworkers (93.46 percent) acknowledged the existence of health risks on the job, independently of schooling (p = 0.44) and job activity (p = 0.47). Risks identified by temporary workers as a whole included falling of suspended objects (8.43 ± 2.47), noise (8.06 ± 2.32), and bad weather conditions (8.05 ± 2.48). Risks that varied significantly between jobs were: noise (p = 0.00), lifting loads manually (p = 0.00), work tools (p = 0,00), insufficient number of work team members (p = 0.03), extra wages based on productivity (p = 0.00), work pace (p = 0.01), working on scaffolding and other high areas (p = 0.00), workers moving on top of cargo (p = 0.00), and ship's ladders and gangways (p = 0.00). The study corroborated that temporary dock work is unhealthy and hazardous, and that the risks affect workers according to the specific jobs they perform.

Adult , Aged , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Accidents, Occupational/psychology , Employment/psychology , Occupational Health , Occupational Exposure/statistics & numerical data , Personnel Staffing and Scheduling , Accidents, Occupational/prevention & control , Accidents, Occupational/statistics & numerical data , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Employment/organization & administration , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Occupational Exposure/prevention & control , Risk Assessment , Social Perception , Transportation
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-134783


Medical education is the subject matter of both Union and State Governments and Medical Council of India is the sole supervising body of medical education and maintaining its standard. Problem of recognition of medical degrees / diplomas is prevalent in almost all the States of India and in most of the medical specialties. Holders of unrecognized degree / diploma may face problem of employment / promotion, etc. Thus, leading to filing of litigations in the court, some of which are decided and others are still pending in the Indian Courts. This paper deals with review of this problem, brief discussion of relevant court decisions, Government Orders and Medical Council of India (MCI) notifications, etc. thus, help in solving the problem to great extent by making concerned persons aware about the issue and to take initiative to solve the problem of very much public interest.

Education, Medical/legislation & jurisprudence , Education, Medical/organization & administration , Education, Medical/standards , Employment/legislation & jurisprudence , Employment/organization & administration , Humans , India , Societies, Medical
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 12(5): 347-353, nov. 2002.
Article in English | LILACS, RHS | ID: lil-342002


Objective. To identify changes in nursing practice and the nursing-practice environment that have occurred with implementation of health sector reform in five countries in the Americas. Methods. An exploratory study of selected settings in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and the United States of America was conducted between 1997 and 1999 to collect narrative data from 125 professional nurses about their perceptions of nursing practice and changes in work environments. Descriptions of characteristics and trends in nursing practice in the study sites were also obtained. Results. Reorganization of health services has occurred in all five of the countries, responding to health sector reform initiatives and affecting nursing practice in each country. Respondents from all five countries mentioned an emphasis on private enterprise, changes in payment systems for patients and providers, redistributions in the nursing workforce, changes in the personnel mix and nursing-practice functions, work shifting from the hospital to the community, and greater emphasis on cost control and prevention in practice settings. Conclusions. The study provides initial information about current nursing issues that have arisen as a result of health care reform initiatives. Regardless of differences in service models or phases of health sector reform implementation, in all the countries the participating nurses identified many common themes, trends, and changes in nursing practice. The driving forces for change and their intensity have been different in the five countries. Nurses maintain their core values despite increased work stress and greater patient care needs in all the countries as well as economic crises in the Latin American countries

Humans , Health Care Reform/organization & administration , Nursing/organization & administration , Americas , Argentina , Brazil , Colombia , Economics, Nursing/organization & administration , Employment/organization & administration , Health Care Reform/economics , Health Care Reform/methods , Mexico , Nursing, Private Duty/organization & administration , Nursing/methods , United States , Workload/economics
Brasília; IPEA; abr. 1997. 37 p. (IPEA. Texto para Discussäo, 473).
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-334212


Analisa os impactos da modernizaçäo produtiva sobre o emprego, as relaçöes de trabalho e o papel do Estado a ser desempenhado nessa nova realidade. Tem como pano de fundo as posiçöes assumidas pelos atores (governo, sindicatos patronais e trabalhistas) quanto à forma de atuaçäo dos membros envolvidos, bem como sinaliza para quais direçöes devem caminhar as políticas públicas de emprego.

Humans , Male , Female , Labor Relations , Policy Making , Technological Development , Brazil , Employment/organization & administration , Public Policy , Public Administration , Work